Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: June 2011
Pages: 368
Source: e-copy of ARC provided by GalleyGrab
For: Review
Series: He's So/She's So, Book 2
Things I Liked:
I'm kind of hooked on the twisty, soap opera-y life that is displayed here. The rich, the poor, the envy, the malice, the hate and the hurt - all so engrossing. It's so horrifying that it's interesting. I really don't much like Ally in this book. She acts like a jerk almost through the whole thing, treating her friends and family like dirt and then wondering why they're angry. The book almost seems like a manual for how to be selfish. Still, it's like I can't look away from these teens who struggle to figure out themselves while making tons of awful mistakes. It's definitely got that real feel to it!
Things I Didn't Like:
I really was annoyed with how stupid the characters acted sometimes. Yes, it is very likely realistic, but it still bugs. I got very tired of Jake swearing every other word. Seriously, I get it, he swears, but do I have to keep getting hit in the face with it? I'm not sure I can handle another book of this, but of course this one ends on a ridiculous cliff-hanger revelation. We'll see.
Read the first book, She's So Dead to Us first
Populazzi by Elise Allen
The Real Real by Emma Mclaughlin and Nicola Kraus
s-factor: !@#$%
a lot with numerous f-words
mrg-factor: XX
plenty of page time, though not a lot of descriptive material
v-factor: none
but I thought I'd mention lots of underage alcohol consumption here
Overall rating: ***
Not exactly something I'd "recommend," but somehow it's addicting, like bad reality TV.
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If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage