Things I Liked:
I first heard of this series from a college roommate who had the whole set. She adored them. I was skeptical. I was also wrong. What a sweet, homey feel this book has to it! It made me all nostalgic, even though I never read these books as a little girl. It also made me feel all lonely for my best friend growing up. I loved reading about the fun things they made up to do and also the real things that happen to real people and how they deal with it. Definitely a classic series for young girls.
Things I Didn't Like:
There were a couple of references that date this series, but I think most kids won't mind them. Also, it was not as fun for me as it would be for someone who grew up on this series. Kind of like how much more fun Disneyland can be if you went when you were a kid.
A little bit Little Women
Like Anne of Green Gables and sequels by L.M. Montgomery
and all those other books you read as a child :)
s-factor: none
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: none
Overall rating: ****
And, I started this series just in time for Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge going on at A Library is a Hospital for the Mind. Don't know how many I'll get in this month, but I can sure try!