Bloggiesta To-Do:
(I'd really like to add internal links at the top so you can skip to a letter and not have to scroll down)
Update goodreads
Update my header (so need something new up there - it's making me bored just looking at it)
Write some posts for rainy days (ok, this is definitely too ambitious for this weekend, but still)
Get a local events page started (!)
Figure out something for the button bar (I seriously need help here - I've got a need for more buttons, but they all just bunch up instead of making a new row!)
Post about formatting photos on the blog (this might actually happen, but it might also be painfully confusing)
And that's about as ridiculously ambitious as possible. I hope I at least get one or two things done...
What are you working on for Bloggiesta? Any tips for me on those issues up there?
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