Hooray for those of you who have already done some reading on this challenge! It's month two, and I still haven't picked up a book for this yet (but I have one on my list that's coming up - New Girl by Paige Harbison, a retelling of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier).
The winner for last month's prize is Jenni Elyse! I'm still putting the prize together, but I'm quite sure at least one book will be included. We'll be doing the same thing this month, everyone signed up for the challenge is automatically entered. If you leave a link for the month (or a review in the comments, for those with no forum to review), you will get extra entries. Do check out the links folks leave so we can have some discussion. And for a little brain work, today's question is:
What is your all-time favorite retelling (or sequel/related book) and why?
If you buy through my Amazon linkage, I will get a very small percentage