10. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell - having discovered this when I was in middle school, I became obsessed with it. And with the movie. For some reason, its epic story and its not-perfect ending really stuck with me and I couldn't get Scarlet and Rhett out my mind, those idiots. I think it might have been my first experience with selfish main characters that I still liked. Now if only I could go back and be surprised and enthralled all over again.
9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - the ultimate in surprising twists (you know, if you have zero knowledge of the story beforehand) and one of my favorite main characters in all of literature. Jane is such a strong, plain, and unassuming character that I think she's underappreciated. I'd love to come fresh to her story again.
8. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - yes, another classic. I remember being just sucked into the intricate and complicated plot filled with betrayals and secrets and revenge. While I've been just as entertained each time I've reread it, I think nothing is quite like discovering that story for the first time.
7. Precious Bane by Mary Webb - another of my classic favorites, I read this right after I had a disaster of a break-up and it really helped me get through it. I'm quite sure I won't every have the same kind of experience again, but I'd love to experience Prudence's awakening all over again.
6. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare - a favorite from elementary school, I remember adoring Kit and wondering how she would make it in that hard New England environment. And I love Mercy's story too.
5. The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley - oh, Harry, how I wish I could meet you all over again. Fall in love with you again and discover your amazing tough-girl-ness again. This one actually does bear well as a reread though.
4. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier - what a fantastic story this one was the first time around. I don't think it holds quite the same charm in a reread and the mystery isn't nearly as intriguing.
3. Babysitters Club series by Ann M. Martin - oh how I loved these books. I truly wish I could go in and find those friends again. I am quite sure as an adult I would not enjoy them as much, so this is another one I wish I could find again as a kid.
2. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - of course! With all the twists and surprises and the sheer wonder of these stories, I wish I could go in fresh and discover Sirius and Dumbledore and, of course, Harry all over. I also wish I could read it and pick up on those subtle clues so I could be more prepared for some of those amazing revelations.
1. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - one of my all-time favorites and just as good every time I've read it (which is only like three, considering how long it is). I wish I could go back and experience that wonder and awe at Tolkien's ability to create such a complex and detailed fantasy world.
Anybody else's lists have a lot of old favorites?
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