Things I Liked:
Despite the fact that I disliked Need, I wanted to give a second chance to the series. I actually found myself enjoying the action. When things picked up in the second half of the book, I began to feel invested in the characters and what happens to them. I particularly like the secondary characters Issie and Betty. I guess it was in spite of myself that I enjoyed the story. It had some surprises and some interesting twists I wasn't expecting. I also enjoyed some of the snarky and sarcastic humor:
"Zara, sympathy is just a good excuse to buy greeting cards and make sorry eyes and secretly gloat over how glad you are that you aren't the person whose crap is hanging out there for the world to see," Betty says. p 69Things I Didn't Like:Zara and Nick. Despite Zara repeatedly saying Nick had a hero-complex, I really think she is the one who thinks she must save everyone. Literally, everyone in the world. It was actually annoying most of the time. The first half of the book was very slow and I gagged over Nick and Zara's relationship. Sometimes I felt like the author was laughing at the melodrama that was this book, other times I felt like she was taking it too seriously. I'm still not sure if the second half made up for the first, but I will probably read the next book to see how things turn out.
Be sure to read Need first
The Wicked Lovely books by Melissa Marr
Definitely a Twilight read-alike
Wings by Aprilynne Pike
s-factor: !
a few
mrg-factor: none
just kissing and cuddling (sometimes to the point of nausea)
v-factor: ->->
there is some somewhat bloody fighting
Overall rating: ***
Any series where you liked the second book more than the first?
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