Things I Liked:
Oh, Snyder, you have done it again! Despite my somewhat annoyance with Opal's first story (Storm Glass), I really enjoyed this book. The story is fast-paced and Opal is a lot more confident this time around, which is something that annoyed me in the first book. I absolutely love the supporting characters, Janco in particular, not to mention Leif. I really enjoyed them more than Opal, I'm afraid. But, I liked the plot, with its intrigue and the complex problems that arose. And, of course, the writing.
"Time dripped. Each second hung as if it were on the end of an icicle, fattening until t grew too big to hold on. Then splat - another second gone." p.53A taste of my Janco love:
"Sandseed horses are very intelligent, and he's one beautiful, bright boy."Things I Didn't Like:
"And he allowed you to saddle him!" I said in an excited whisper. "How?"
He shrugged. "I introduced myself, and told him what was going on. Guess meeting the greatest swordsman in Ixia awed him into submission."
"A swordsman who can't handle a horsewhip. He probably felt sorry for you." p. 66
Some sections seemed totally unrelated, though they are probably being used to set up future books. Still, I found them disrupting to the plot of this book. It also seemed like there were too many stories going on at once.
Start with the Study trilogy by Snyder and then the first about Opal, Storm Glass
They remind me of Robin McKinley's The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown
s-factor: !
a handful
mrg-factor: XX
some implied situations, nothing explicit
v-factor: ->->
fighting, blood, etc
Overall rating: ****
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