For the mini-challenge at Joystory, I wanted to post this favorite photo of my parents reading to my older brothers and sisters.
It kinda has that classy feel doesn't it?
My mom used to read to us often. Admittedly, more often to my siblings than myself, since I always managed to get all the reading I needed for classes done and then some. But, I remember listening to her voice bringing to life some of my favorite kid books. Makes me want to read to my kids. Now I just need the kids.
And for the mini-challenge at Linus's Blanket I adored this section of Betsy-Tacy and Tib where they decide after climbing the big hill that they are so hungry they will beg for food.
"Betsy and Tacy didn't say a word, but they tried to act as hungry as they could. Betsy put her hands over her stomach and leaned forward and groaned. Tacy forgot to be bashful and she opened and shut her mouth. She opene and shut her mouth and made queer hungry noises." p.11I didn't finish The Name of This Book is Secret yet, but I got about halfway through Betsy-Tacy and Tib. And I also spent about an hour listening the the first Artemis Fowl book. Fabulous narrator, by the way!
Books read: ~1 1/2 (seriously need to just finish a whole book - only read three half books)
Pages read: 433 (though I didn't count pages from the audio)
Time spent: 6.5
Off to read more! Thanks for all the cheerleading!
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