The Princess and the Hound were both extremely intriguing characters in this unusual fairy tale-esque book. The handsome prince possesses some unusual magic while the princess is best friends with her hound - can the two learn to love one another, despite their impending marriage?
This was not a typical fairy tale story. I loved the character development, the lack of love at first sight and actual work involved in their relationship. Also, the plot was quite interesting as well, with twists and turns unexpected throughout. The feel of the setting and the well-drawn characters make this a wonderful book for someone looking for a not-quite-perfect fairy tale.
A new companion book The Princess and the Bearon my TBR pile
Mira, Mirrorby Mette Ivie Harrison (she has a very unique style)
A bit like Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
s-factor: none
mrg-factor: none
v-factor: none
Overall rating: *****