Book Review: Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Life As We Knew Itwas pretty good - then everything changed. So, it's the end of the world and it's the moon's fault (well, ok, there might have been a meteor involved) - do you have your food storage?

When I read this, I pretty much started freaking out. It was so exciting and realistic that I started to panic and stock up on food (which, I already do, incidentally). The story was gripping and the characters were very real. This is hands down one of the best dystopian apocalyotic books I've ever read. It even made me run out and check on the moon. I had a few minor astronomy issues with it, but most people wouldn't be bothered by them.

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Unwind by Neal Shusterman
also a bit like The Giver(and its companions) by Lois Lowry


A couple, but not overwhelming.

mrg-factor: X
References, but nothing happens.

v-factor: ->
Not violent, but definitely scary!

Overall rating: *****
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